Platforms and Maps

Overview of Long Term Experiments (LTE)

This LTE overview map contains information about 570 agricultural experiments with a duration of at least 20 years. he following networks are included: EJP SOIL (European Joint Programme), GLTEN (Global long-term experiment network), ILTER (International long-term ecological research), IOSDV (International Organic Nitrogen Fertilization Experiment), NLFT (National Long-term Fertilization Trials, Hungary), RetiBio 2 (Italy).

C.S.I.: Your comprehensive resource for carbon farming schemes worldwide

Carbon Schemes Inventories (C.S.I.). A web platform dedicated to providing detailed information about carbon farming schemes in Europe and around the world.

Visit the Landscape of all EJP SOIL project

Get an overview with this mapping of all internal and external EJP SOIL projects. Click on project names for access to the individual project webpage.