LTEs Lithuania



Experiment Name

Surface Soil Texture

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LAMMC “Extensive soil tillage and cover crop influence on soil quality and productivity of phytocenosis” loam Grazina Kadziene
LAMMC “Investigations of qualitative processes and trends in soils with different genesis and geo-ecological potential under contrasting soil management”  loam  Virginijus Feiza
LAMMC “Investigations of qualitative processes and trends in soils with different genesis and geo-ecological potential under contrasting soil management”   sandy loam Virginijus Feiza
LAMMC “Valinava long term field experiment with different intensity management crop rotation”  sandy loam Virmantas Povilaitis
LAMMC „Increase of the potential carbon sequestration in various acidity soils using sustainable plant growing technologies”  loam -sandy loam Ieva Mockeviciene
LAMMC “Possibilities of preserving the productivity of Dystric Retisol in agro-ecosystems”  loam -sandy loam Regina Repsiene
LAMMC „The influence of soil pH and nitrogen fertilization on energy crops biomass yield and energy potential”  loam -sandy loam Gintaras Siaudinis
LAMMC “Influence of tillage and organic fertilizers on soil properties and agrocenosis productivity in Western Lithuania” sandy loam  Danute Karcauskiene
LAMMC „Investigations of soil erosion processes in hilly terrain land under changing climatic conditions“ sandy loam -loamy sand Danute Karcauskiene

Experiment Name

Experiment Name

Site/Institution Year of initiation Topic
“Extensive soil tillage and cover crop influence on soil quality and productivity of phytocenosis” LAMMC 1956 Tillage, cover crops
“Investigations of qualitative processes and trends in soils with different genesis and geo-ecological potential under contrasting soil management”  LAMMC 1999 Tillage, fertilization, residues handling
“Investigations of qualitative processes and trends in soils with different genesis and geo-ecological potential under contrasting soil management”  LAMMC 1999 Tillage, fertilization, residues handling
“Valinava long term field experiment with different intensity management crop rotation” LAMMC 1991 Soil management, drainage water
„Increase of the potential carbon sequestration in various acidity soils using sustainable plant growing technologies” LAMMC 1949 Liming and fertilisation
“Possibilities of preserving the productivity of Dystric Retisol in agro-ecosystems” LAMMC 1959 Liming and organic fertilisation (residues, cattle manure and  green manure) 
„The influence of soil pH and nitrogen fertilization on energy crops biomass yield and energy potential” LAMMC 2008 Liming and mineral fertilisation
“Influence of tillage and organic fertilizers on soil properties and agrocenosis productivity in Western Lithuania” LAMMC 2003 Tillage and measures to support soil fertility-organic fertilizers
„Investigations of soil erosion processes in hilly terrain land under changing climatic conditions“ LAMMC 1993 Tillage and crop-rotation of different intensities



Classification System Surface Soil Texture Experiment Name
Tillage, cover crops USDA loam “Extensive soil tillage and cover crop influence on soil quality and productivity of phytocenosis”
Tillage, fertilization, residues handling USDA loam  “Investigations of qualitative processes and trends in soils with different genesis and geo-ecological potential under contrasting soil management” 
Tillage, fertilization, residues handling USDA  sandy loam “Investigations of qualitative processes and trends in soils with different genesis and geo-ecological potential under contrasting soil management” 
Soil management, drainage water USDA  sandy loam “Valinava long term field experiment with different intensity management crop rotation”
Liming and fertilisation USDA  loam -sandy loam „Increase of the potential carbon sequestration in various acidity soils using sustainable plant growing technologies”
Liming and organic fertilisation (residues, cattle manure and  green manure)  USDA  loam -sandy loam “Possibilities of preserving the productivity of Dystric Retisol in agro-ecosystems”
Liming and mineral fertilisation USDA  loam -sandy loam „The influence of soil pH and nitrogen fertilization on energy crops biomass yield and energy potential”
Tillage and measures to support soil fertility-organic fertilizers USDA sandy loam  “Influence of tillage and organic fertilizers on soil properties and agrocenosis productivity in Western Lithuania”
Tillage and crop-rotation of different intensities USDA sandy loam -loamy sand „Investigations of soil erosion processes in hilly terrain land under changing climatic conditions“
EJP SOIL partner Long Term Experiment fields and Laboratories at LAMMC