Annual Science Days 2024

The EJP SOIL Annual Science Days & General Meeting took place from June 10th from 12:00 pm to June 14th


Venue: Artis Centrum Hotels, Vilnius

Scope: Presenting, demonstrating, discussing the EJP SOIL results and output with the goal making them spread over into initiatives and policymaking. 

Thank you for fantastic Annual Science Days at LAMMC in Vilnius!

Recordings, slides and posters are now available below. We are still working on getting all material uploaded.



Opening of the event

Claire Chenu - EJP SOIL Coordinator & Anna Besse-Lototskaya - EJP SOIL Co-coordinator.

Breakout Sessions

A3 - Publications and open science

Materials Pending


Breakout Sessions

B1 - C-sequestration and trade-offs

B3 - Indicators for soilecosystem services

Materials Pending

C2 - Soil biodiversity & ecosystem services

Materials Pending

C3 - Sustainable soil management

Materials Pending

C4 - Innovation and methods for data acquisition

Materials Pending



Carbon Sequestration Session

Click here for slides - coming soon

Click here for recording

Harmonisation & Monitoring and Assessment Session

Click here for slides - coming soon

Click here for recording

You can still access the Annual Science Days programme and all abstracts: