Call to circulate the EJP SOIL advisory survey: “Understanding agricultural advisors needs"

Farm advisors play a crucial role in reaching the EJP soil aim of fostering climate-smart agriculture through sustainable soil management.

This survey aims to understand what advisors need from EJP SOIL in terms of knowledge, capacity and tools to strengthen their role.  This contributes to making the EJP SOIL outputs available in the appropriate format to advisors and farmers across Europe. The purpose is to improve the links between research and practice thus foster sustainable soil management practices.

Please help by circulating the link to this 10-minute survey to any of your contacts in the EU agricultural advisory community and actively invite them to fill out the survey DEADLINE EXTENSION until 12.05.2023.

With your help we hope to get responses from as many advisors and advisory trainers as possible and gather a rich understanding of advisory needs. This will provide the basis for an EU-wide workshop with national advisory experts to further explore the specific needs, concerns and expectations of advisors and discuss how EJP SOIL can best support them. Later, the EJP SOIL community will be invited to match their latest research results and products to the interest of advisors. In this way, we collaborate to foster sustainable soil management in practice.

For more information please contact T7.6 lead: Joost Iwema at