AGROECOseqC - AGROECOlogical strategies for an efficient functioning of plant - soil biota interactions to increase SOC sequestration
CarboSeq - Soil organic carbon sequestration potential of agricultural soils in Europe
EnergyLink - Linking crop diversification to microbial energy allocation and organic carbon storage
in soils
EOM4SOIL - External organic matters for climate mitigation and soil health
INSURE - Wet management of cultivated peatlands a sustainable land use option for peat soils
MINOTAUR - Modeling and mapping soil biodiversity patterns and functions across Europe
MIXROOT-C - Optimizing C inputs through diversification
MaxRoot - C - Optimizing C inputs in annual cropping systems
ProbeField - A novel protocol for in-field monitoring of soil carbon stock, based on proximal sensors and soil spectral libraries
Road4Schemes - Roadmap for carbon farming schemes
SCALE - Managing Sediment Connectivity in Agricultural Landscapes for reducing water Erosion impacts
SensRes - Sensor data for downscaling digital soil maps to higher resolutions
SERENA - Soil Ecosystem seRvices and soil threats modElling aNd mApping
SoilCompaC - Mapping and alleviating soil compaction in a climate change context
SOMMIT - Sustainable Management of soil Organic Matter to Mitigate Trade-offs between C sequestration and nitrous oxide, methane and nitrate losses
TRACE-Soils - Trade-offs between soil carbon sequestration, greenhousegas emissions and nutrient losses in agricultural soils across Europe: mechanisms and management options
STEROPES - Stimulating novel Technologies from Earth Remote Observation to Predict European Soil carbon
SIMPLE - Scenario modelling for assessing impacts of policy changes and socio-economic effects on ecosystem services of soils
Into-DIALOGUE - More than a Dialogue between actors, seeking the integration of soil-based principles in agroecological systems
BioCASH - Bio-economy and Circular Agriculture for Soil Health
PRAC2LIV - Fostering soil management PRACtices and uptake and developing decision support TOols through LIVing labs in EU
SoilX - Soil management to mitigate climate change-related precipitation eXtremes
ARTEMIS - Agro-ecological strategies for promoting climate change Mitigation and Adaptation by enhancing soil ecosystem services and sustainable crop production
CLIMASOMA - CLIMAte change adaptation through SOil and crop MAnagement: synthesis and ways forward
iSoMPE - Innovative Soil Management Practices across Europe
SIREN - Stocktaking for Agricultural Soil Quality and Ecosystem Services Indicators and their Reference Values
SOMPACS - Soil management effects on soil organic matter properties and carbon sequestration
SoilSalAdapt - Preadapting soil biology for increased tolerance to elevated salinities due to climate change
FREACS - Soil management effects on soil organic matter properties and carbon sequestration
TRUESOIL - True SOC sequestration: understanding trade-offs and dynamic interactions between SOC stocks and GHG emissions for climate-smart agri-soil management
SIC-SOC-DYN - Organic and inorganic carbon dynamics in calcareous soils
WISH-ROOTS - Tuning the wheat root microbiome to improve soil health and optimize rhizosphere nitrogen cycling and availability
ICONICA - Impact of long-term phosphorus additions on Carbon sequestration and Nitrogen Cycling in Agricultural soils
CropGas - The effect of conservation agriculture interventions on greenhouse gas emissions
SoilSynbiotics - Development of Synbiotics for enhancing the soil microbiome
SOIL-HEAL - Symbiotic Solutions for Healthy Agricultural Landscapes
ClimateCropping - Climate Smart Management for Resilient European Cropping Systems
SOIL-ES - Soil ecosystem services under sustainable intensification of agriculture: looking for innovative mapping and monitoring at multiple scales.
TilSoilC - The effects of tillage practice on soil carbon sequestration mechanisms.
SANCHOSTHIRST - Cover cropS (CC) ANd soil health and climAte CHaNge adaptatiOn in Semiarid woody crops. THe RemOte SensIng and furTHer scenaRIoS projecTions.
CarboGrass - Impact of grassland management on soil carbon storage.
C-arouNd - Refining Soil Conservation and Regenerative Practices to Enhance Carbon Sequestration and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
FAMOSOS - FArm MOnitoring via Real-time SOil Sensing.
AGROCOMPOSIT - Biochar-compost composites for supporting site-specific soil agro-ecosystem functions and climate change mitigation.