Start: | 1 November 2021 |
Duration: | 36 Months |
Aim: | Assess strengths, weaknesses, and different perceptions of current strategies and schemes for carbon farming |
Keywords: | Carbon farming, result-based schemes, Ecosystem Services |
Contact: | Project coordinator: Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe, Aarhus University ( Project communication representative: Anne Sofie Neilsen, Aarhus University ( |
Carbon farming has gained prominence as a mitigation option to reach targets set in the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal. To achieve this, integrating research into policy design and implementation, ensuring mutual benefits for stakeholders, soils and society is helpful. Road4Schemes will (1) assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing and planned schemes for carbon farming and additional Ecosystem Service (ESS) payments, including respective tools for monitoring, reporting and verification; (2) assess stakeholders’ perceptions and preferences with respect to strategies for scheme design and policy drivers and barriers; and (3) deliver a roadmap for developing and implementing contextually sensitive result-based schemes for carbon farming and additional ESS payments.
The objectives will be addressed in an interdisciplinary project integrating insights from soil science, economics and social sciences in four work packages with a total of around 200 PM (see figure 1).
The WPs provide complementary insights to the analysis of different opportunities for developing schemes for carbon farming and additional ESS payments.
Figure 1: Workflow diagram of Road4Schemes
WP Leader: Aarhus University, AU
WP deputy: Wageningen Research, WR
The overall objective of this WP is to facilitate successful project management, implementation and coordination among partners to optimise the workflow, ensuring progress and achievement of expected results.c.
WP Leader: Wageningen Research (WR)
WP deputy: Institut National de la researche Agronomique (INRAE)
The objectives of this work package:
WP Leader: Aarhus University, AU
WP deputy: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Thünen
The objectives of this work package:
Assess opportunities and shortcomings in current policy frameworks for the implementation of result-based carbon farming schemes and ESS payments.
Identify if and how different carbon farming schemes are supporting governmental strategic goals and international climate reporting duties
WP Leader: Institut National de la researche Agronomique (INRAE)
WP deputy: Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (EV ILVO)
The objectives of this work package:
Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology, Denmark
Wageningen Research, The Netherlands
Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Belgium
National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, France
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Germany
Agroscope, Switzerland
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Austria
Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Turkey
Read the leaflet for Road4Schemes here