On this page, you find all public deliverables produced by EJP SOIL. Confidential deliverables are accessible to consortium members on the EJP SOIL SharePoint.
Synthesis of the impact of sustainable soil management practices in Europe. This synthesis identifies the knowledge about the sustainable soil management practices and their biophysical and socio-economical impacts, as reported by the research teams of the different EJP SOIL participating countries. These results can be related to varying levels of knowledge or awareness about the sustainable soil practices that can contribute to the different soil challenges.
Stocktaking on soil quality indicators and associated decision support tools, including ICT tools. This synthesis shows recent and current efforts in Europe related to the establishment of soil indicators as parameters used to quantify and valuate impacts of agricultural soil management practices on soil quality. It also shows how the existing indicators have been used.
Synthesis on estimates of achievable soil carbon sequestration on agricultural land across Europe. This synthesis identifies the available knowledge of achievable carbon sequestration in mineral soils and GHGs mitigation in organic soils in agricultural land, including pasture/grassland across Europe. The inventory of past and current studies on carbon sequestration and GHGs mitigation measures in agricultural soils and the methodology used for the assessment were considered from 25 Member states (MS) across Europe.
Roadmap for the European Joint Programme SOIL. This roadmap identifies research and research capacity and infrastructure strengthening activities to be implemented by the consortium with the objective to reach the EJP SOIL outcomes and contribute to the long term expected impacts. These activities are the tasks in the work packages and projects that will be called for in funding calls. The roadmap will be updated annually with information from within and outside the programme to identify topics that will guide programme activities.
Report on identified regional, national and European aspirations on soil services and soil functions. This report contributes to the EJP SOIL roadmap by identifying current policy targets and realizations and setting soil service aspirational goals by 2050 at the regional/national (Chapter 2) and European scale (Chapter 3). At both scales, the report is based on a desk study of current agricultural soil related policies, followed by a stakeholder consultation. Twenty countries/regions have contributed to the regional/national analyses and 347 different stakeholders have provided their views on soil policy.
Set of reports on State of knowledge in agricultural soil management. For the advancement of climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils, we have to know more about three major topics of soil research, namely 1. Soil carbon stocks, 2. Soil degradation and fertility, and 3. Strategies for improved soil management. This report addresses state-of-the-art knowledge on these topics by bringing together the expertise of 254 members of the EJP SOIL consortium and by reviewing more than 1,800 documents. Based on this aggregation of available knowledge we identify major knowledge gaps raised by several authors.
Report on the current availability and use of soil knowledge. This report provides a synthesis of stakeholders’ perceptions of knowledge on and use of knowledge on sustainable soil management, as well as the knowledge needs. The report is based on interviews with 791 stakeholders in 23 European countries completed in the summer of 2020 in the context of the EJP SOIL project.
Report on barriers and opportunities (knowledge and policy) at regional, national and EU levels for further harmonization and collaboration concerning research, data, training, and education. The study involved 20 Countries and harvested the stakeholders’ perception about knowledge and knowledge requirements related to the soil challenges, through national surveys.
This report presents a picture of the inventory of the different models accounting and monitoring soil quality and soil carbon stocks used in 21 different countries in Europe, and especially for the reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the UNFCCC (UNFCCC, 2020). The report synthesizes the information collected regarding the use of these models both at national and farm scale, as well as information of other models for soil quality monitoring, by different actors (policy making, farmers, and extension services).
Stocktake study and recommendations for harmonizing methodologies for fertilization guidelines across regions. The stocktake revealed substantial differences in the content, format and delivery of current fertilization guidelines across members of EJP SOIL.
Online Submission and Evaluation System and Templates for the Proposal Submission
This document describes the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) used in EJP SOIL. The SOPs are used to ensure that actions are carried out in the beforehand agreed manner. They include the roles and responsibilities as well as the processes of preparation, evaluation and monitoring of the internal calls and the research projects, and their reporting.
The document describes the background and the topics of the 1st EJP SOIL internal call for research projects, and the process of applying funding for programme’s internal projects. It also includes the templates for application and planning budget and the list of the eligible institutions i.e. the partners of the EJP SOIL.
The document provides an overview of the topics and submitted and evaluated proposals in the 1st internal call of EJP SOIL for research projects. It also includes short descriptions of the proposals selected for funding.
The document describes the background, the topics of the call and the process of applying funding for programme’s internal research projects. It also includes the templates for proposal and budget plan and the list of the eligible institutions i.e. the partners of the EJP SOIL.
This document describes the process and results of the selection of projects for EU funding in the 2nd call, which was open for participating institutions of the European Joint Programme EJP SOIL.
The document is an evaluation report of the progress and outcomes of the research projects of the 1st and 2nd internal calls in M24 of the 5 year programme EJP SOIL. It includes a short description of the background of EJP SOIL and a summary of each internal project with their main results by then.
The document describes the background, the topics of the 3rd call and the process of applying funding for programme’s internal research projects. It also includes the templates for proposal and budget plan and the list of the eligible institutions i.e. the partners of the EJP SOIL.
The document provides an overview of the topics and submitted and evaluated proposals in the 3rd internal call of EJP SOIL for research projects. It also includes short descriptions of the proposals selected for funding.
Harmonized procedures for creation of databases and maps
Many research and policy advice depends on the presence and quality of adequate information. This report aims to provide a common basis, a synthesis and a reference for available knowledge on the best practices in this soil data workflow at EJP SOIL partners, aimed at soil institutes.
National and EU regulations on agricultural soil data sharing and national monitoring activities. This report presents the results of research objectives aiming at analysing the state of implementation of EU-Directives and the implications linked to their transposition in relation to soil information. Agricultural soils are usually under private property in Europe, therefore the public right to have access to environmental information, must be balanced with the right of landowners in relation to their properties.
Proposal of methodological development for the LUCAS programme in accordance with national monitoring programmes. This document presents the main questions when developing a soil monitoring programme, reviews previous existing studies and documents, analyses the survey made within EJP SOIL partners and underlines possible ways of harmonization and collaboration between national monitoring programmes and the EU LUCAS programme in the frame of the EU Soil Observatory.
Outcomes of the analysis of needs and barriers and 1st Policy Forum will be evaluated and synthesised into a topic list of a) priority information, research synthesis and knowledge needs expression of needs by different policy stakeholders, b) priority needs for new research, c) priority needs for an enhanced access to available results and knowledge by different policy stakeholders.
Mapping policy stakeholders up to EU level across EJP SOIL Partner Countries
Mapping exercise detailing policy stakeholder organisations, influence/involvement/roles in policy formation and inter-connections/linkages between policy actors across the EU.
A “Resources, Infrastructure and Capabilities Inventory (RICI)” will be created online to provide a catalogue of the capacities and expertise existing within the EJP consortium.
Outcomes of the analysis of needs and barriers and 2nd Policy Forum will be evaluated and synthesised into a more fine-tuned topic list of (a) priority information, research synthesis and knowledge needs expression of needs by different policy stakeholders, b) priority needs for new research, c) priority needs for an enhanced access to available results and knowledge by different policy stakeholders.
Agricultural soil management topics needing increased scientific dissemination or new research
This deliverable presents a concise list of agricultural soil management topics that WP8 Science to Policy has identified as requiring better dissemination or new research based on the analysis of policy needs identified in Deliverable 8.3