Fostering adoption - Support tools

Fostering the uptake of climate-smart sustainable soil management practices and developing region-specific fertilisation practices which are conducive to climate change adaptation and mitigation

Unveiling C.S.I.: Your comprehensive resource for carbon farming schemes worldwide

Carbon Schemes Inventories, or C.S.I., is a new web platform dedicated to providing detailed information about carbon farming schemes in Europe and around the world.

Main users

This innovative application is designed to meet the needs of three main user groups:

  1. Political Institutions: Governmental bodies can use "C.S.I." to monitor the status of carbon farming projects' development and identify emerging needs in the sector. The platform offers a personalized dashboard and analytical tools to help political institutions make informed decisions.

  2. Project Developers: Project developers can explore the platform to find certification bodies and potential collaborators for their carbon farming projects. The advanced search functionality allows them to easily identify partners suitable for their needs.

  3. Certification Bodies: Certification bodies can use the application to verify the presence of other active stakeholders in the sector and promote transparency of information. The platform offers detailed search tools and the possibility to share information about certification organizations.

Find the platform here or click the image.
