The amount and specifications of soil data and soil information infrastructures differ across Europe due to differences in needs, methods and knowledge between countries.
Soil information is derived from data on soil profiles, soil properties, soil quality, and data on the functions and use of soils. The processing of data on soil into meaningful information products – such as maps - requires a workflow of collection, organization and management, analysis and publication of soil data.
Harmonized methods and data infrastructures will allow easier sharing of soil data in Europe, which is essential for research and for policy advice on agricultural land.
Water erosion reduces soil quality and causes ecological and economical damages to the environment, to farmers and the society by loss of water storage capacity, organic carbon and essential nutrients, and by their transfer into aquatic environments and urban areas
Modelling and scaling can help us understand how fields, rivers and streets are connected. This insight can help reduce damages from water erosion impacts and provide recommendations for improved mitigation strategies. Strategies for connected landscape elements help reduce water erosion.
The soil data catalogue is a user friendly search experience.
The catalogue contains:
Data products produced in the EJP SOIL and in the wider Soil community
An overview of national datasets
Visit the csoil data catalogue via one of the following two points of access:
The searchable interface:
A GIT repository GitHub - ejpsoil/ejpsoildatahub (The source of the metadata).
An aspect of the catalogue system is a minimal metadata template in Excel, developed to provide a minimalistic approach to bulk loading records into the catalogue. Alternative available bulk loading initiatives are importing from CSW and DOI (harvesting).
In case you identify potential improvements, create an issue on the git repository or submit an improvement.
This cookbook contains recipes on common tasks in soil data assimilation. Soil data assimilation includes metadata management, publication of data, consumption of data and harmonization of data.
Visit the cookbook at
Mainly developed for technical people working at soil institutes or organizations that need to provide organizational soil data online.
This cookbook has been developed in the scope of the workshops on soil data assimilation provided by WUR & ISRIC in 2022 and 2023.The cookbook is maintained via a participatory versioning system at
In case you identify potential improvements, create an issue on the git repository or submit an improvement.
Guiding national soil information providers towards INSPIRE compliance. What is that? How do you make your data INSPIRE compliant?
EJP SOIL facilitates EU member states to provide Soil data following the INSPIRE Directive with training on: Soil Data good practices
Find the report from the session here.
Soil health is defined through soil indicators, which are assessed using targets and/or thresholds. The challenge is that targets and thresholds are highly site-, managementand climate-specific, and there is not yet a validated assessment system with that level of detail.
With policies worldwide being established to promote soil health, there is an urgent need for the development of a system to assess soils.
We explored four approaches to setting targets and thresholds. Based on stakeholder feedback of the approaches, collected in two webinars (EJP SOIL 2023) and case studies of three approaches, we developed a framework that facilitates both choosing the most appropriate target/threshold method for a given context, and using targets and thresholds to promote soil health.
‘Resources, Infrastructure and Capabilities Inventory (RICI)’ is an online platform for policy stakeholders. RICI provides access to a pool of specialized scientists and experts at local, regional and national level across Europe. The online inventory is the ‘Yellow pages’ on expertise on soil science in relation to questions for policy matters.