Celebrating knowledge about soil with a tear-off calendar

Learning about soil health in a unique and fun way? Getting knowledge to all farmers in the Netherlands? That is the goal of a new tear-off calendar, which is launched today!

Photo: The Soil tear-off calendar 2023 will be launched today - on November 22. (Photo: Janjo de Haan).

Today, on November 22, a new soil tear-off calendar will be launched in the Netherlands.

The tear-off calendar contains a lot of facts, nice things to knows, quizzes and puzzles about agricultural soils and soil management in the Netherlands. Farmers can rip off a page a day in 2023 and each day will present them with some form of new knowledge.

- The calendar is made for all arable and dairy farmers in the Netherlands. The goal of the calendar is to inform these farmers about knowledge in a fun and practical way -  no long reports or complicated tables and graphs, says Janjo de Haan from Wageningen University, who is one of the initiators of the calendar campaign:

- All knowledge on the calendar is presented in a short and practical way. To make sure all farmers get one, they will all receive one for free. This is funded by a large national knowledge exchange program around soil and water management.

The calendar will be handed out to representatives from arable and dairy farming of The Netherlands Agricultural and Horticultural Association LTO.

This is an initiative of BO Akkerbouw, Wageningen University & Research, Deltaplan Agrarisch Waterbeheer and communication agency JEEN in collaboration with several other partners and with input from various research and knowledge exchange projects on soil management.

Further information

If you have any further questions, please contact:
Janjo de Haan, researcher, Wageningen University, janjo.dehaan@wur.nl