Computer Scientist - Vacant position

Deadline for application 27th January 2022.

About the job

The position it is paid around 62000 euro/year (gross salary) and will be a full time working positionThe first contract will be for 1 year, but it will be renewed to 2 years.

Deadline for application 27th January 2022.

The applications must follow rigorously the instruction given in the tender

Published Italian version of the tender on the CREA web-site, Click here

For an English version of the tender, Click here


Responsibilities in this position includes close collaboration with the EJP-SOIL H2020 projec(

) related to the following activities:

1. Assisting the implementation of INSPIRE compliant soil databases inside each Member State country participating to the EJP-SOIL WP6 and in the archiving of soil data in a standardized format searchable by external engines;

2. Defining soil ontologies and standard codifications;

3. Implementing with Web Services a soil distributed system which will perform queries on the connected INSPIRE compliant soil databases and will serve functionalities going from the discovering, viewing, downloading, transforming/harmonizing, up to the performing of joint functionalities (i.e. for digital soil mapping);

4. Connecting the soil distributed system to existing data catalogues and other Web applications.

Mandatory requirements

PhD or at least 2-year post-MSc-degree working experience relating to the activity indicated by the article 1 of the present selection announcement, either accrued inside research or professional environments, preferably on behalf of qualified Research Institutions or Universities, even abroad Italy, which has permitted to the candidate to acquire a working experience in the following:

- SQL Databases (Preferable: Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQ);

- Structured Data Formats (Preferable: Json, XML, Atom, CSV);

- Structured Data Schemes (Preferable: ER model, RDBMS, UML, XSD);

- OOP programming languages (Preferable: C#, Python, Java);

- Ontology & Semantic Web (Preferable: Web Ontology Language - OWL, Resource Description Framework - RDF).

MSc degree achieved abroad Italy in computer science, information technology, mathematics, physics, engineering (or equivalent), which must be recognized as equivalent, based on the Italian legislation, to the Graduation Degree (Diploma di Laurea - DL) in computer science, information technology, mathematics, physics, engineering (or equivalent).

Not mandatory requirements

Though not mandatory, and not part of the eligibility criteria, the expertise in the following areas will be considered in the selection process.

- OGC Services & INSPIRE standards and tools (Preferable WPS, WMS, WFS, WCS and CSW. Optional PyWPS, OWSLib, PyCSW);

- Geospatial Transformation Softwares (Preferable: Hale-studio, FME, XSLT);

- Web technologies (Preferable: CSS, HTML, Javascript, Django, ASP.NET);

- Web services development (RESTful APIs development, Web Server deployment)

- Working by continuous approaches such as continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) (Preferable: Azure DevOps, Jenkins);

- GIS software such as GeoServer/M apBox, Hale/FME, QGIS/ArcGIS;

- Spatial analysis using R, Grass or similar;

- Affinity with the soil domain.


From the tender <<The qualifications obtained abroad Italy will be considered useful as long as they are recognized as equivalent to the Italian qualifications required to participate in the selection. To this purpose the details of the provision for the recognition of the equivalence to the Italian qualifications, based on current legislation, must be indicated in the application form, under penalty of exclusion; such equivalences must exist at the deadline date for the submission of the applications.

The qualifications obtained abroad will also be considered useful as long as they are equivalent, pursuant to the article 38 of the Legislative Decree number 165 of 30th March 2001, to the Italian qualifications required to participate in the selection: to this purpose, in the application for participation to the selection, the aspiring candidates must mention their foreign qualifications in the original language and request to be admitted to the selection pursuant to the article 38 of the Legislative Decree number 165 of 30th March 2001 (admission under condition); they must also send to the Department of Public Function (“Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica”) the request for equivalence of the qualification acquired abroad, pursuant to the article 38 of the Legislative Decree number 165 of 30th March 2001. In any case, before the conclusion of the selection procedure, it will be the sole responsibility of the candidate, under penalty of exclusion from the selection procedure, to produce the provision of recognition of equivalence pursuant to the article 38 of the Legislative Decree number 165 of 30th March 2001. >>


Application form for participation

The applications for participation in the selection must be sent exclusively by certified electronic mail (PEC) to the address: within the deadline for the call, taking care to attach all the required documentation in pdf format. The requests and declarations sent according to the aforementioned method (electronic mail PEC) will be valid if made in accordance with the provisions of the article 65 of Legislative Decree number 82 of 7th March 2005 (Digital Administration Code).

For candidates applying from abroad the Italian territory, the sending of the applications for participation with different means respect to the certified electronic mail (PEC) will be accepted.

The wording " Domanda di partecipazione alla selezione pubblica Codice 26/2021RM" must be placed in the email subject.

To request the full announcement (IT/EN versions) please contact:


Contact for further information

Maria Fantippiè 

Researcher in Digital Soil Mapping at CREA-AA Firenze Italy

Job Poster Location

Florence, Tuscany, Italy