EJP SOIL Course: Guiding national soil information providers towards INSPIRE compliance - 6-8/04/2022

INSPIRE compliant: What is that? How do you make your data INSPIRE compliant? Location: Wageningen, NL. APPLY NOW - FEW SEATS LEFT

The INSPIRE directive aims at creating a European Spatial Data Infrastructure, upon which integrated and reliable environmental policies may be developed for the Union as a whole. This infrastructure should serve both policy stakeholders and the general public, facilitating access and interchange of data and information. Implementing INSPIRE is largely reliant on member states’ commitment, with concerned national data providers individually attaining compliance. 

In the Soil Information domain the aims of INSPIRE face special hurdles, on the one hand due to the wide variety of practices in soil data collection and curation across member states, and on the other in the regional heterogeneity of the Soil Science discipline itself. Therefore, translating the abstract data models proposed by the directive into concrete data assets and services may not be a straightforward undertaking. 

This course intends to guide national soil information providers towards INSPIRE compliance by providing a general perspective on INSPIRE and data infrastructures and laying out implementation methods and technologies. 

Course content 

This course is scoped on what INSPIRE is and how it can help to realise the SDI for Soil within the context of EJP-Soil. Content is organised in five parts, mirroring the five working groups that are set up to prepare for the implementation of INSPIRE in the EU. Namely: 

  1. Overview on what is a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and why INSPIRE? 
  2. Sharing and exchanging soil data and information, with an emphasis on Interoperability and to a lesser extent on services. 
  3. The current status of INSPIRE, including the evaluations held by the Commission on the directive and experiences of a member state that already implemented the soil theme according to INSPIRE. 
  4. Homework. Course participants conduct a prescribed set of tasks within their institutions. 
  5. Come-back: presentation of homework results, feedback and discussion. 

Plan for workshop lectures 

The first three parts will be held on location in Wageningen from 6-8 April 2022. The fourth part is conducted by course participants at their host institution. A come-back day will be held on-line about three weeks later, in which participants presents homework results. 



  • Saskia Keesstra (Wageningen Environmental Research)
  • Luis de Sousa (ISRIC – World Soil Information)
  • Jandirk Bulens (Wageningen Environmental Research)
  • Paul van Genuchten (ISRIC – World Soil Information) 
  • Fenny van Egmond (ISRIC – World Soil Information/Wageningen Environmental Research) 

Organizers are assisted by lecturers to be announced when the course program is made final.


Please do not hesitate to contact Saskia Keesstra (saskia.keesstra@wur.nl) if you have any questions regarding the course.