New SensRes partner, workshop and project extension

In February, members of the SensRes consortium gathered at AU Viborg in Denmark for a scientific workshop. Along knowledge sharing a new project partner was presented along a six months extension of the project.

The EJP Soil project SensRes aims to develop and test a method to downscale large-extent soil properties maps using sensor data. The method is to be tested on agricultural fields in seven European countries, using proximal sensors, drone images and satellite images.

In February the consortium met at a four-day workshop at AU Viborg in Denmark to build competences within digital soil mapping and geographic data management within the partners. The SensRes members used the workshop to discuss how to facilitate the mapping process as well as future project activities.

New partner from Wienna, Austria

Researchers from University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) – Department for Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences/Institute of Geomatics will join the project under the lead of Prof. Dr. Clement Atzberger.

With the introduction of the new project partner a new work package (WP8) was also introduced. The work package aims to develop a transferable radiative transfer model (RTM) using laboratory spectroscopy information from soil samples collected in the different countries covered by the SensRes projects to support the mapping of soil properties in areas with no in situ samples.

Six more months

The introduction of the new partner also prompted an extension of the SensRes project, and in the beginning of March a six months extension was approved. The SensRes project was supposed to end by the end of 2023, but will now have until the end of June 2024.

The extension will ensure time to test drone and satellite images of bare soils and vegetated fields, as well as more time to test the effect of fusion data from different sensors and the potential for using downscaled maps in practical applications.

Further information

You can read more about the SensRes project on the project website here.

If you have any further questions about SensRes, the workshop or the extension of the project, please contact Professer Mogens H. Greve on