Online questionnaire: Soil and land protection, sustainable management and restoration

The European Commission wants to ensure that the general public interest across the EU is well-reflected in the impact assessment and the proposal for a soil health law by collecting feedback, ideas, information and opinions including policy briefs, studies, data on the drivers and the extent of the problem, costs and impacts, policy objectives and options. You can contribute to the Soil Health Law by filling in an online questionnaire.

Photo: Colourbox

- This consultation is open to all to provide input to help the Commission prepare its initiative on soil and land protection, sustainable management and restoration, as described in the EU Soil Strategy for 2030.

To ensure a broad feedback, the questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part is more general and intended for everyone, while the second part is aimed at stakeholders with some expertise on the subject.

You can access the questionnaire by following this link