Polish EJP SOIL stakeholder events organised for the agricultural industry

After a difficult period of the pandemic, we returned to personal meetings, also in large groups. In 2022, Polish EJP SOIL stakeholders and all those interested had the opportunity to participate in various events. The employees of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG) participated in the most significant events organised for the agricultural industry.

National Field Days 2022, Poświętne, 11-13 June 2022. a nationwide event related to the agricultural sector.

Many people are already used to the remote contact form using online platforms. However, it is not as efficient a form of networking as the 'live' meetings. Still, it provides for the acquisition of complete information, e.g. on the EJP SOIL project and other European Commission initiatives concerning soil management and participation, despite the distance, without incurring additional costs and saving time for travel. In 2022, IUNG and the Polish EJP SOIL project team organised several such events. The most important was the EJP SOIL Project Day, which took place on 15th November 2022.

Events in 2023
Among the most significant events planned:

  • AGROTECH (17-19.03.2023), 28th International Fair of Agricultural Techniques in Kielce,
  • National Field Days 3-5.06.2023 in Sielinko near Poznań (with one day dedicated to secondary agricultural schools).
  • XXXII National Agricultural Show (September 2023) in Czestochowa.

All these events will create an opportunity for a personal meeting with people interested in the subject of EJP SOIL: farmers, agricultural advisors, experts, scientific workers, students and any other people close to the topic of care for agricultural land use. The events usually gather tens of thousands of visitors. At the stand of EJP SOIL project implementer, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG), visitors can learn about the upcoming events and conditions for cooperation envisaged by the project.

The Institute's (IUNG) representatives, the Directorate and researchers implementing the EJP SOIL project and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - the programme's owner, attended the national EJP SOIL day. The event's guest of honour was Clair Chenu, the EJP SOIL project coordinator, who presented the themes and objectives of the project.

Representatives of the programme owner - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and project manager at IUNG-PIB at the EJP SOIL Project Day in Poland. 15th November 2022

120 people attended the meeting, not only from IUNG and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development but also from the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), universities, representatives of agricultural advisory services, students, farmers, Representatives of non-profit organisations, the National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE), Statistics Poland, regional chemical-Agricultural stations, secondary agricultural schools and local government administrations.

Such great interest in the event resulted from sharing information on the website and social media and direct contact with stakeholders.

The success of the event encourages re-organising EJP SOIL National project day 2023 in a similar formula. The event is planned for the last quarter of 2023.

For more information:

Monika Kowalik, EJP SOIL NCR Poland: mkowalik@iung.pulawy.pl