Pre-Announcement of 2nd EJP SOIL internal Call for proposals

EJP SOIL pre-announce the upcoming 2nd internal call for joint research projects, with an allocated budget of maximum 30 M€. The call will open from 01.04.2021 with a closing date for proposals on 31.05.2021.

The European Joint Programme “EJP SOIL - Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils” comprise 24 countries committed to the overall goal of providing sustainable agricultural soil management solutions that contribute to key societal challenges including climate change and future food supply.

Rationale & Aim of the call

As EJP SOIL works on important societal issues in an integrated manner, any innovation developed within the framework of EJP SOIL will meet a societal need and will therefore be relevant for European and global markets. Through its knowledge framework the EJP SOIL supports knowledge development through a large number of specific research and innovation projects via internal and external EJP SOIL calls.

The overall objective of this 2nd internal call is to fund research projects open to EJP SOIL beneficiaries and linked third parties to fill research and development gaps identified by the “Roadmap for the European Joint Program SOIL” and the annual work program of the EJP SOIL for year two.

Scope & expected impacts and outputs of this EJP

The EJP SOIL contributes to long-term alignment of research strategies in two main ways: i) by developing a shared vision, and ii) by establishing platforms for networks of soil scientists and other soil stakeholders in Europe. The shared vision will be developed among consortium beneficiaries and will address desirable soil properties and ways to attain them. Internal calls will foster alignment between the EJP SOIL beneficiaries, linked third parties and important players of European research in the areas of agricultural sciences, ecology, soil and climate sciences. To facilitate relevant knowledge development, the EJP SOIL will perform syntheses and stocktaking activities and research and integrative projects.

Budget & Funding modalities

The EJP SOIL is a 5 year project that runs from February 2020 to January 2025. The EJP SOIL falls into the concept of a co-fund action: it is 50% funded by the EC for 40 M€ and 50% funded by the organizations forming its consortium for another 40 M€. Therefore, the costs for implementing the EJP SOIL reach a total of 80 M€. Only EJP SOIL partners and third linked parties are eligible to apply for the internal calls for proposals. EJP SOIL participants who are involved in call preparation cannot participate in the proposals preparation and subsequent research project implementation.

Webinar for interested applicants

On the 12th March 2021 a webinar for interested applicants will be organised, which will give an overview about all relevant aspects of the Call (i.e., topics, conditions, requirements, proposal submission, evaluation, etc.) and provide time to answer open questions. The webinar will take place between 1 and 3 pm CET. More detailed information will be announced and released directly on the submission tool website in due time.    


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