Second EJP SOIL Internal Call - OPEN

The overall objective to fill research and development gaps identified by the “Roadmap for the European Joint Program SOIL” and the annual work program of the EJP SOIL for year two.

This call will be open from 01.04.2021 with a closing date for proposals on 31.05.2021

The European Joint Programme “EJP SOIL - Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils” comprise 24 countries committed to the overall goal of providing sustainable agricultural soil management solutions that contribute to key societal challenges including climate change and future food supply.

Rationale & Aim of the call

As EJP SOIL works on important societal issues in an integrated manner, any innovation developed within the framework of EJP SOIL will meet a societal need and will therefore be relevant for European and global markets. Through its knowledge framework the EJP SOIL supports knowledge development through a large number of specific research and innovation projects via internal and external EJP SOIL calls.

The overall objective of this 2nd internal call is to fund research projects open to EJP SOIL beneficiaries and linked third parties to fill research and development gaps identified by the “Roadmap for the European Joint Program SOIL” and the annual work program of the EJP SOIL for year two.

Read more detailed information in the document 'Call text of the EJP SOIL 2nd Internal Call'.  

Budget, funding modalities, eligibility criteria and project types

The EJP SOIL is a 5-year program that runs from February 2020 (M01) to January 2025 (M60). The EJP SOIL falls into the concept of a co-fund action.

For the 2nd internal call of EJP SOIL projects, a budget of maximum 30 M has been allocated General information relevant for consortium building (e.g. project size, number of consortium beneficiaries and linked third parties; geographical coverage) is given in for each topic.

Only EJP SOIL beneficiaries and their linked third parties can apply. After the closing date for submission, all proposals will be checked against the mandatory Call eligibility criteria:

  • The application must be written in English.
  • Applications must be complete and in accordance to the submission procedure.
  • Applications must be submitted in time.
  • Proposals including beneficiaries and/or third linked parties that are NOT EJP SOIL beneficiaries are not eligible to apply and will be rejected. 

On the 9th April 2021 a webinar for interested applicants will be organized, which will give an overview about all relevant aspects of the Call (i.e., topics, conditions, requirements, proposal submission, evaluation, etc.) and provide time to answer open questions.

Read more about the call - click here