Visiting scientists support - 1st Call (pre-announcement)

Strengthening institutional partnerships and networking to advance scientific joint work on climate-smart agricultural soil.

The call will be opened from 01.04.2021 and closed 30.05.2021.

The results of the evaluation process will be announced individually to applicants by the middle of June 2021.

Rationale and aim

The European Joint Programme “EJP SOIL - Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils” considers mobility between organizations to be an asset for the personal and career development of researchers. The inter-institutional collaboration will promote the acquisition of new skills and knowledge, thereby contributing to increased research creativity, efficacy and performance.

This 1st call aims at strengthening institutional partnerships and networking to advance scientific joint work on climate-smart agricultural soils, in line with the EJP SOIL Impact pathway EIA 3 “Strengthening scientific capacities and cooperation across Europe including training of young soil scientists”.   

Who can apply

The visiting grants programme provides financial support to young as well as established researchers and non-research laboratory technical staff only from the EJP SOIL institutions undertaking international mobility to other EJP SOIL partner institutions or non-EJP SOIL partner institutions within the EU if the training stay contributes to EJP SOIL Expected impacts.

Proposed activities

The visiting grants could be dedicated to (but not limited to):

  1. Planning and development of joint proposals within the scope of EJP SOIL programme (“Towards climate smart sustainable agricultural soils“)
  2. Participation in the workshops, seminars, conferences relevant for the EJP SOIL aims and scope
  3. Developing and learning, e.g. acquiring new expertise in soil data, methodology, analysis
  4. Developing joint scientific publications and v) developing joint teaching and learning elements in higher education.

Click here for more information on the scientific exchange programme