Work Package 7 Synthesis and knowledge integration - Access to Infrastructure

EJP SOIL framework WP7 leaders are presenting the key on-going and upcoming activities and how various synthesis activities are feedback into other work packages. Knowledge generated from EJP SOIL is streamlined into dedicated themes, and categorized to reach multiple stakeholder groups such as peer reviewed publications, policy briefs etc., This can be viewed in Online Knowledge Sharing Platform - Currently, we are synthesizing major research innovations from EJP SOIL and identified 22 major research innovation. As informed stakeholders, opinion of EJP SOIL partners and researchers will help to identify perception of what are the most important research results and innovations. It is still possible see the 22-innovation list and provide your opinion using the link -

A dedicated EJP SOIL special issue is being drafted to pull existing knowledge in the form of opinion papers, perspectives, original research, meta-analysis according to the 6 dedicated research themes of EJP SOIL website. By launching this special issue on “Climate-Smart Sustainable Soil Management for the Future” we intend to raise attention for our program and to reach even more scientists, policy makers, practitioners and members of the general public. All EJP SOIL members as well as non-EJP SOIL members are invited to submit their research works. The link for expressing interest on EJP SOIL Special Issue -  

Access to infrastructure 218 long-term experimental sites, 163 laboratory network is aimed to promote sample-, knowledge-, as well as data-exchange by unique calls for funding twice per year. The next call to infrastructure will be announced in September 2022. More details on access to infrastructure - .

Contact details:

WP7 lead: Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern

WP7 co-lead: Katharina Meurer -

WP7 general contact: Murugan Rajasekaran -