3rd EU Forum

The 3rd EJP SOIL EU Policy Forum was held on Wednesday 11th October 2023 online via Zoom from 09:30 CET – 11:30 CET. The event aimed to bring to light supporting scientific findings from the EJP SOIL projects that can contribute towards a framework for agricultural practice selection aimed at carbon sequestration, in different pedoclimatic conditions, that benefit multiple ecosystem services and in turn soil health.

The forum presented findings from 5 EJP SOIL projects in the areas of carbon sequestration and associated trade-offs and encouraged discussion on the future implementation of the proposal of regulation on carbon removals (COM(2022) 672 final). 

The event was attended by 111 specially invited persons from 74 institutes and 21 EU countries, 45% of these attendees classified themselves as interacting and engaging with policy at both a national and European level in their respective countries. The smallest proportion of the audience (17%) engaged at only the European level while the remainder (38%) engage only at the national level with policy.

Click on any of the links below to access the recordings of the presentations