Horizon Europe funding for research on EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe

The European Commission is looking for the best innovative ideas to advance the protection and restoration of soil health in Europe. Apply by 24 March 2022.

The European Commission is looking for the best innovative ideas to advance the protection and restoration of soil health in Europe. Eight topics are proposed for Research and Innovation Actions or Coordinated and Support Actions in relation the mission “A Soil Deal for Europe”. 

The total available budget is € 62 million. The deadline to submit project proposals for Horizon Europe funding is 24 March.

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The EJP SOIL consortium assembles a range of competences and experiences that relate to the call topics. It also produced a roadmap and stocktakes. Identify the link between the call topics and current EJP SOIL projects in the table below and explore EJP SOIL consortium capabilities.

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02 topics

EJP SOIL projects related to this topic (see ejpsoil.eu)

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-01: From knowledge gaps to roadmaps on soil mission objectives

EJP SOIL roadmap & stocktakes (WP2)

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-02: Validating and further developing indicators for soil health and functions

SIREN - Stocktaking for Agricultural Soil Quality and Ecosystem Services Indicators and their Reference Values
SERENA - Soil Ecosystem seRvices and soil threats modElling aNd mApping
MINOTAUR - Modeling and mapping soil biodiversity patterns and functions across Europe
SensRes - Sensor data for downscaling digital soil maps to higher resolution
ProbeField - A novel protocol for robust in field monitoring of carbon stock and soil quality properties based on proximal sensors and existing soil spectral libraries

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-03: Linking soil health to nutritional and safe food

i-SoMPE - Innovative Soil Management Practices across Europe
AGROECOsecC Ecological strategies for an efficient functioning of plant - soil biota interactions to increase SOC sequestration
EOM4SOIL - External organic matters for climate mitigation and soil health

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-04: Social, economic and cultural factors driving land management and land degradation

SoilCompaC- Mapping and alleviating soil compaction in a climate change context
Road4Schemes - Roadmap for carbon farming schemes

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-05: Incentives and business models for soil health

Road4Schemes - Roadmap for carbon farming schemes

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-06: Engage with and activate municipalities and regions to protect and restore soil health

EOM4SOIL  - External organic matters for climate mitigation and soil health

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-07: National engagement sessions and support to the establishment of soil health living labs

EJP SOIL roadmap & stocktakes (WP2)

HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-08: Next generation soil advisors

EJP SOIL roadmap & stocktakes (WP2)