General Meeting/Access to slides

Presentations (pdf files) from General Meeting plennary sessions

Maximizing the EJP SOIL impacts: Breakout session: Strengthening soil science capacity and early career opportunities in Europe by WP5: Jennie Baroon, Yvies Coquet, Christian Walter

Maximizing the EJP SOIL impacts: Breakout session: Implementing Open Science by WP1 & WP6: Anna Besse-Lototskaya, Maria Fantappié, Florian Schneider

Maximizing the EJP SOIL impacts: Breakout session: Presenting and communicating EJP SOIL highlights at natinal level by WP7 & WP9: Sophie Zechmeister, Line Carlenius Berggreen, Katharina Meurer, Rajasekaran Murugan

An outlook on the future of agricultural soils research by Saskia Keesstra (WP2), Carlos Guerra (SOLO project coordinator), Niels Halberg (BPM Chair)

The 2023 EJP SOIL General Meeting programme was designed within the scope "Making impact with EJP SOIL knowledge" 

The 2023 EJP SOIL General Meeting was open to the face-to-face participation of EJP SOIL Consortium partners and associated bodies:

National Coordinators, Board of Programme Managers, ExCom, Task Leaders, National Communication Representatives, Project Coordinators and Project Communication Representatives, the Ethics Board, EC Steering Group-REA, the Advisory Board, the Strategic Committee (Programme Owners).

Venue: Latvia, Riga, University of Latvia premises


Titles of the Work Packages:

WP1 – Coordination

WP2 – Roadmap for EU Agricultural Soil Management research

WP3 – Research alignment. Internal calls

WP4 – External calls

WP5 – Education, training and capacity building

WP6 – Supporting harmonised agricultural soil information and reporting

WP7 – Synthesis and knowledge integration. Access to infrastructures

WP8 – Science to policy interaction

WP9 – Dissemination and outreach for European scale impacts

WP10 – Ethics

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