Other publications: conference papers, technical papers, book chapters etc.


Type: Publication in conference proceeding/workshop

  1. Castanheira, N.; Paz, A., Gonçalves, M. C. 2022. Knowledge and sustainable management of agricultural soils in Portugal: barriers and opportunities. Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo 2022.
  2. Paz, A.; Castanheira, N.; Vicente, C., Carrasco, M., Gonçalves, M.C. 2022. Overview of the knowledge about sustainable soil management practices in Europe. Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo 2022.
  3. Mano, R; Rebelo, F. 2022. Analytical laboratories for soil fertility assessment, in Portugal. Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo 2022.
  4. Antonio Bispo, Maria Fantappiè, Fenny van Egmond, Bozena Smreczak, Zsofia Bakacsi, et al. 2022. A review of existing soil monitoring systems to pave the way for the EU Soil Observatory. World congress of soil science, British Society of Soil Science.
  5. San Emeterio L.M., Pérez-Ramos I., Domínguez-Núñez M.T., de la Rosa J.M., González-Pérez J.A. 2022. Effects of climate change in soil organic matter molecular structure in a Mediterranean savannah. Comunicações do IX CICS “O solo, recurso estratégico para uma sociedade sustentável.
  6. Palojärvi A., Rasmussen J., Toleikiene M., Navarro J.A., Louault F., Hakl J. Sturite L., Chabbi A., González-Pérez J.A., Bal A., Meurer K., Bertrand I., Wawra A., Hood-Nowotny R. 2022. Trans European decomposition index study in arable soils with different crop species diversity using 13C-labelled litter. Joint Europe Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting (JESIUM 2022) Book of Abstracts.
  7. San Emeterio L.M., de la Rosa J.M., Almendros G., Pérez Ramos I., Domínguez Núñez M.T., López-Núñez R., González-Pérez J.A. 2022. Evaluation of lignin degradation in soil organic matter under future climate scenarios by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS). XXI Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines (SECyTA 2022) Book of Abstracts.
  8. San Emeterio L.M., Pérez Ramos I., Domínguez Núñez M.T., González-Pérez J.A. 2022. Changes in soil organic matter after 5-year field experiment of rainfall exclusion and increased temperature in a Mediterranean savannah. EGU General Assembly 2022.
  9. San Emeterio L.M., González-Pérez J.A., Chen J., Pérez Ramos I., Domínguez Núñez M.T., Kuzyakov Y., Gunina A. 2022. Mediterranean soils under climate change: a drying-rewetting experiment with 14C-labelled glucose. EGU General Assembly 2022.
  10. Borůvka, L., Galušková, I., Pavlů, L., Penížek, V., Gholizadeh, A. 2022. Moderní metody průzkumu a hodnocení půd v rámci evropského projektu EJP SOIL (Modern methods of soil survey and assessment in the frame of European project EJP SOIL). Zborník abstraktov Pedologické dni 2022, Monitoring a detailný výskum podnych vlastností ako účinný nástroj manažmentu a ochrany pod.
  11. Borůvka, L., Galušková, I., Pavlů, L., Gholizadeh, A. 2022. Moderní přístupy ve sledování a hodnocení půdních vlastností v evropském projektu EJP SOIL (Modern approaches to monitoring and evaluation of soil properties in the European project EJP SOIL).  Modern Methods of Measuring Soil Quality Parameters Using Spectroscopic and Spectrometric Methods in the Czech-Bavarian Border. Proceedings of Workshop.
  12.  Valkama, E., Perego, A., and Acutis, M.: Soil organic carbon and nitrate leaching loss in organic and conventional farming systems for the current and near future climate , EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2269, doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2269, 2022.
  13. Maenhout, P., Di Bene, C., Cayuela, M. L., Govednik, A., Keuper, F., Mavsar, S., Mihelic, R., O'Toole, A., Schwarzmann, A., Suhadolc, M., Syp, A., and Valkama, E. Trade-offs between soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions, and nitrogen leaching losses: addressing knowledge gaps, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4712. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4712, 2022
  14. Urbina-Salazar, D., Vaudour, E., Richer-de-Forges, A.C., Chen., S., Biney, J., Baghdadi, N., Borůvka, L., Wetterlind, J., Arrouays, D. Mapping topsoil organic carbon content over temperate cropland regions. The contribution of the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel 1 satellites for Beauce in central France Mapping topsoil organic carbon content over temperate cropland regions. The contribution of the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel 1 satellites for Beauce in central France. World Congress of Soil Science WCSS2022, Glasgow, UK.
  15. Vaudour E., Wetterlind J., Borůvka L., Biney J., Urbina-Salazar D., Gholizadeh A., Castaldi F., Arrouays D., Richer-de-Forges A., Saberioon M., Nino P., Vanino S., van Egmond F., Žydelis R., Michot D., Fouad Y., Lopatka A., Gabriel J.L., Castanheira N., Marta Paz A., Koparan M.H., Liebisch F., Møller A.B., Kasparinkis R. 2022. Retrieving SOC content from space at the detailed scales of small regions: purposes and first results of the EJP-STEROPES project. Living Planet ESA2022, Bonn, Germany
  16. Dodin, M., Levavasseur, F., Savoie, A., Martin, L., Straub, C., Foulon, J., Vaudour, E. 2022. Potential of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images for Monitoring Digestate and Slurry Amendments in Temperate Cropland. SOM2022, South Corea.
  17. Visser, S.M., Chenu, C. Delattre, M., Bunthof, C., Keesstra, S.D., Borchard, N., Leppälä, J., NiChoncubhair, O., Ziegler, U., Barron, J., Fantappiè,  M., Meurer, K., Wall, D., Bonati, G., Carlenius Berggreen, L. Madenoglu, S., Andreasen, C.B.2022. European Joint Program Agricultural Soils under Climate Change. Circular@WUR.
  18. Suhadolc, M. 2022. Soil microbiomes in light of sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation – what can be learned from long-term field experiments? 1st Slovenian 2022. Microbiome Network Symposium : November 24, 2022 Bled, Slovenia.
  19. Armando, M.V., Gonzalo, G.B., Antonio, M., José Antonio, M. & José, M.J. Jornadas sobre Taller de Barreras Vegetales en Paisajes Agrícolas. Jornadas sobre Taller de Barreras Vegetales en Paisajes Agrícolas (2022)
  20. Pasquale Nino. (2022, December 20). Extracting VV and VH polarization from Sentinel 1 at Soil Moisture measurement points. Zenodo.

Type: Chapaters in books

  1. Vaudour E., Gholizadeh, A., Castaldi, F., Saberioon, M., Borůvka, L., Urbina-Salazar, D., Fouad, Y., Arrouays, D., Richer-de-Forges, A.C., Biney, J., Wetterlind, J., Van Wesemael, B. 2022. Satellites spectral information and soil organic carbon. Encyclopedia MDPI

Type: Thesis

  1. Lorane JANS, Bénéfices et risques liés à l’application de biochar dans les sols agricoles de Wallonie : Résultats d’enquêtes en ferme concernant les effets des aires de faulde sur le système sol-plante. 2022. Master Thesis, Louvain-la-Neuve, Université catholique de Louvain, Prom. : Agnan, Y. & Hardy, B.
  2. Sylvain MESPLOU, Les protéines du sol : développement d’un indicateur biochimique de qualité et de fertilité des sols. 2022. Master Thesis, Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Prom: Delporte, F.
  3. Claire OGER, Impacts de la fertilisation phosphatée et potassique et de l’effet variétal sur le développement de mycorhizes en culture de froment. Master Thesis, Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Prom: Chéry, Ph., Delporte, F., Boeraeve, F.

Type: Other publications

  1. Suhadolc, M. 2022. Izzivi in priložnosti za povečanje biotske pestrosti tal v agroekosistemih : posvet Regenerativno kmetijstvo – tla so temelj.
  2.  Saberioon, M. 2022. Preparing a guideline for downloading Sentinel-2 (S2) images.
  3. Nino, P. 2022. Draft guideline for extracting  Sentinel 1 backscattering coefficent VV and VH in Google Earth Engine.
  4. Madenoglu, S. 2022. European Joint Program on Agricultural Soil Management-EJP SOIL (in Turkish). TAGEM E – Bullentin, October 2022/2.
  5. Hanegraaf, M. 2022. Poster "Grounds for assessing regional reference values for organic carbon contents in soil". World Congress of Soil Science WCSS2022.
  6. Skaidrė Supronienė, Valentina Baratella, Gražina Kadžienė, Ona Auškalnienė, Alvyra Šlepetienė, Monika Toleikienė, Renata Žvirdauskienė, Ieva Mockevičienė, Simona Pranaitienė, Modupe Doyeni, Arman Shamshitov,  Aida Skersienė, Sebastien Fontaine, Alessandra Trinchera. 2022. Poster "AGROECOlogical strategies for an efficient functioning of plant - soil biota interactions to increase SOC sequestration". Agrovizija (AGROVISION)
  7. Skaidrė Supronienė, Gražina Kadžienė, Ona Auškalnienė, Alvyra Šlepetienė, Monika Toleikienė, Renata Žvirdauskienė,  Ieva Mockevičienė, Simona Pranaitienė, Modupe Doyeni, Arman Shamshitov,  Aida Skersienė. 2022. Poster "Agroekologinės strategijos, skirtos efektyviam augalų ir dirvožemio biotos sąveikos funkcionavimui, siekiant padidinti dirvožemio organinės anglies  sekvestraciją" Agrovizija (AGROVISION)
  8. GOVEDNIK, Anton, MIHELIČ, Rok, ELER, Klemen, SUHADOLC, Marjetka. 2022. Long-term tillage in combination with fertilization practices affects soil organic carbon content, N2O emissions, and microbial community composition. 22nd World Congress of Soil Science : 31 July - 5 August 2022 Glasgow
  9. MAVSAR, Sara, GRČMAN, Helena, MIHELIČ, Rok. 2022.  Reduced soil tillage intensity increases C sequestration through Ca retention in topsoil. 23rd World Congress of Soil Science : 31 July - 5 August 2022 Glasgow
  10. Ferdinand Hartmann, Rebecca Hood-Nowotny, Gerhard Soja, Heide Spiege. Stickstoff-Dynamik in einem Feldversuch mit Biokohle und organischen/anorganischen Dünger-Kombinationen. Österreichischer Verein für Biomasse-Karbonisierung – ÖBIKA, Austrian Biomass Carbonisation Society, 15. September 2022.
  11. Kadžienė G., Auškalnienė O., Supronienė S., Šlepetienė A., Veršulienė A., Pranaitienė S., Meškauskienė L. 5th international symposium of soil physics : book of abstracts. (2022). Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas.


Type: Publication in conference proceeding/workshop

  1. Rodrigues, L.; Hardy, B.; Huyghebaert, B.; Leifeld, J. Potential agricultural soil carbon sequestration across Europe: a reality check, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9512, doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9512.
  2. Valkama E.; Perego A.; Acutis M. Is Organic Farming Environmentally Friendly in North Europe? Proceedings XXIII National Congress of Agrometeorology 2021, P. 65-38 ISBN 9788854970564 http://doi.org/10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6713
  3. Paz, A.M.; Castanheira, N.; Carranca, C.; Vicente, C.; Carrasco, M.; Conceição Gonçalves, M. 2021. Uma visão do conhecimento europeu sobre as práticas de gestão do solo agrícola e alterações climáticas. Proceedings of Congresso Ibérico "Solo e Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Desafios e Soluções. P. 35-36 ISBN-13: 78-989-746-313-6
    • (there is no online link)

Type: Other publications

  1. Heller, O.; Peter, N.; Garland, G.; Weisskopf, P. Switzerland's EJP SOIL Stocktake Tasks 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. Agroscope Science, 2021, 117: 1-92.
    1. https://doi.org/10.34776/as117e
  2. Castanheira, N.L.; Paz, A.M.; Carranca, C.;  Conceição Gonçalves, M.; de São Luís Centeno, M. Conhecimento e gestão sustentável dos solos agrícolas em Portugal - ponto de vista dos atores envolvidos. Vida Rural n.º1872, Ano 69, Novembro 2021 p. 44-51 ISSN 0870-5429
    1. https://www.agroportal.pt/conhecimento-e-gestao-sustentavel-dos-solos-agricolas-em-portugal-ponto-de-vista-dos-atores-envolvidos/
  3. Paz, A.M.; Castanheira, N.; Carranca, C.; Conceição Gonçalves, M. Solo agrícola e as alterações climáticas. Vida Rural n.º1873, Ano 69, Dezembro 2021/Janeiro 2022. p. 56-61. ISSN 0870-5430
    1. https://www.vidarural.pt/alteracoes-climaticas/solo-agricola-e-as-alteracoes-climaticas/


Type: Publication in conference proceeding/workshop

  1. Saskia, V.; Saskia, K.; Órlaith, N.C.; Titia, M.; Edoardo, C.; Francois, S.J.; Claire, C.; Peter, K.; Jennie, B.; Niels, H.; Borchard, N. Roadmap for the European Joint Program SOIL: Towards Climate-Smart Sustainable Management of Agricultural Soils. Proceedings 201930, 89.
    1. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2019030089