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Here you can find slides from the webinar on Scientific publications and data – Procedures for Open Access, Storage & Reporting. You will also find links to relevant data and publications.
Anna Besse - Open Publishing EJP-soil Open Science Webinar
Maria Fantappie - Sharing Soil Data - EJP soil - Open Science webinar
Sevinc Madenoglu - Scientific Publication Reporting in EJP-soil - Open Science Webinar
Template letter to publisher for permission Green Open Access
Checklist to assess if journal is to be trusted
Classification of journals and publishers based on their quality by Finnish Publication Forum
Tool to choose CC BY license
Open Access requirements and guidelines for H2020 projects
EJP SOIL metadata catalogue
Guidance to create metadata for EJP SOIL in Zenodo
EJP SOIL metatdata template
Cookbook for soil data assimilation (wiki): metadata management, publication of data, consumption of data and harmonisation of data