Scientific communities

The expected outputs for the scientific community are:

  • Better structured knowledge on agricultural soils
  • Identification of knowledge gaps and research needs
  • Mapping and matchmaking of research teams, data, models and infrastructures
  • Monitoring network of research infrastructures for studying agricultural soil management and its effects on soil carbon and soil quality  

EJSP SOIL's means of outreach to the scientific community

Here and on individual project sub-pages is where EJP SOIL will announce progress, findings, and results and you will find announcements and invitation to engage in:

  • Scientific conferences and congresses
  • Courses and training material  
  • Open science conference on climatesmart sustainable agricultural soil management
  • Annual Science Days with NCRs and PCRs

Furthermore, information on progress, findings, and results will be disseminated by means of communication activities shown in the green box to the right.

For information on individual EJP SOIL projects - click here.

For more information on Phd courses and higher education dealing with agricultural soil management, please go to 'Capacity building' for announcements, findings and progress.

Annual communication activities

EJP SOIL Newsletters

Scientific publications



Social media

Opinion paper in high impact scientific journal

“Chapters” published online