Visiting Scientists Support & Access to Infrastructure

Visiting scientist support contributes to cross-institutional science development, and to enhancing overall outputs of research of the EJP SOIL

The visiting scientist support scheme offers the opportunity for researchers to gain access to the EJP SOIL infrastructure in order to carry out research visits in facilities of the EJP SOIL partners as well as in leading non-EJP SOIL institutions.

EJP SOIL considers mobility between organizations to be an asset for the personal and career development of researchers. Such mobility strengthens inter-institutional collaboration and promotes the acquisition of new skills and knowledge, thereby contributing to increased research creativity, efficacy and performance.

The scheme targets junior (postdoc), mid- & senior level career scientists, technical and laboratory experts. The aim is to:

  • Enhance collaboration

  • Exchange knowledge and expertise

  • Strengthen formal and informal networks within partners

  • Develop individual skills and expertise

Visiting scientist support scheme benefits scientists working in the EJP SOIL consortium. 

Furthermore, the visiting grants are complementary to activities facilitating researchers' access to soil infrastructure for knowledge exchange and work skills improvement.

Visiting Scientist Support - Upcoming Calls:

Past calls


1 – 30 May: 5th call “Visiting Scientist Support”

1 – 30 April: 4th call “Access to Infrastructure”

1 – 30 September: 6th call “Visiting Scientist Support”

1 September – 31 October: 5th call “Access to Infrastructure”


1 – 30 September: 4th call “Visiting Scientist Support”

1 – 30 September: 3rd call “Access to Infrastructure”

An inventory of long-term agricultural field experiments (LTE) has been carried out (task 7.3). Each LTE is described by several metadata field about which agricultural practices it investigates along with pedo-climatic informations.

In collaboration with the team of the Bonares project, all information about LTE collected within EJP and previous LTE already in Bonares are now displayed on an interactive map. (Click here or on the map image below)

Visiting Scientists support

Targeting partnerships and network within the EJP SOIL consortium to advance scientific joint work on climate-smart agricultural soils.  


  • You must be employed at an EJP SOIL partner institution.
  • You must be a master students, PhD student, Post doc, senior researcher, or laboratory expert.
  • The host organization may be EJP SOIL partner institution or non-EJP SOIL partner institution located within the EU.


Access to the EJP SOIL infrastructure

Targeting researchers located at institutions outside the EJP SOIL consortium who intended to improve research  and enhance collaboration. 


  • You have to be employed at an organization within the European Union (EU)
  • The host organization has to be in a member state of the EU (See participating organisations) 

A limited number of visits will be reserved for applicants from non-European countries, which will enable the dissemination of the EJP SOIL knowledge beyond EJP SOIL partner institutions.