LTEs Germany



Experiment Name

Surface Soil Texture

Primary contact


Universität Rostock Phosphorduengungsstrategien loamy sand (Haplic Luvisol) Bettina Eichler Löbermann

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Statischer Dauerversuch Bodennutzung (BDa_D3) Micheal Baumecker;
Agrarmeteorologisches Intensivmessfeld (BDa_E-Feld) Micheal Baumecker;
Internationaler Organischer-Stickstoff-Dauerduengungsversuch (BDa_IOSDV) Micheal Baumecker;
Statischer Versuch Bodennutzung, Nachwirkungen (BDa_D3_N) Micheal Baumecker;

Leibniz Zentrum f. Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. Modellbetrieb Organischer Landbau, Felder 901 - 904 Johann Bachinger
Modellbetrieb Organischer Landbau, Felder 931 - 934 Johann Bachinger
Dauerduengungsversuch (V140)  Nikolai Svoboda
Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau (IGZ) e.V. Kastenparzellenversuch Sandboden / Lehmboden / Tonboden Jörg Ruehlmann
Statischer Dauerfeldversuch organisch-mineralische N-Duengung Jörg Ruehlmann

Humboldt University of Berlin Statischer Bodenfruchtbarkeitsversuch (Thy_D6) Light to medium silty sand Micheal Baumecker;
Duengungs- und Beregnungsversuch (Thy_D1) Light to medium silty sand Micheal Baumecker;
Naehrstoffmangelversuch Winterroggen Monokultur (Thy_D42) Light to medium silty sand Micheal Baumecker;
Statischer Naehrstoffmangelversuch (Thy_D41) Light to medium silty sand Micheal Baumecker;
Stroh- und N-Duengung in Fruchtfolgen mit unterschiedlichem Getreideanteil (Thy_D5) Light to medium silty sand Micheal Baumecker;
Long-term field demonstration of cropping systems (Thy_ABS) Light to medium silty sand Micheal Baumecker;

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Bracheversuch V505a loam Ines Merbach
Modellversuch Stalldungsteigerung loam Ines Merbach
Erweiterter Statischer Duengungsversuch V120a loam Ines Merbach
Statischer Duengungsversuch V120 loam Ines Merbach

Justus Liebig University Giessen Giessen Erschoepfungsversuch (EV) Janna Macholdt
Giessen Dauerversuch Biologische Stickstofffixierung (BSG) Clay about 30% Yavar Vaziritabar
Crop Rotation Rauischholzhausen Janna Macholdt
IOSDV Rauischholzhausen (International Organic Nitrogen Long-Term Fertilisation Experiment) Janna Macholdt
Reduced Soil Tillage Rauischholzhausen Janna Macholdt

University of Bonn Klein-Altendorf Selektions-Dauerversuch SDV Loamy silt Thomas Döring

Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Speyer Speyer Internationaler Organischer Stickstoffduengungs-Versuch (IOSDV) Martin Armbruster;
Speyer Kali-Magnesium-Kalk-Versuch Martin Armbruster;
Speyer Humusversuch Martin Armbruster;
Speyer Bracheversuch Martin Armbruster;
Speyer Klaerschlammversuch Martin Armbruster;

Experiment Name

Experiment Name


Year of initiation


Phosphorduengungsstrategien Universität Rostock 1998 Evaluating the effect of P-fertilizer in organic and mineral fertilizers as well as their combination effect
Statischer Dauerversuch Bodennutzung (BDa_D3) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1923 Effect of skipped liming, P-fertilization, shallow ploughing, organic fertilization and crop rotation on soil properties and biomass production, investigation of P-delivery potential, buffering capacity against soil acidification and C-storage in soil
Agrarmeteorologisches Intensivmessfeld (BDa_E-Feld) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1953 Effect of weather conditions on plant growth, development and yield
Internationaler Organischer-Stickstoff-Dauerduengungsversuch (BDa_IOSDV) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1986 Effect of longtime differentiated organic and mineral N-fertilization on soil fertility and crop yield in supra-regional comparison with Europaen fieldcrop sites. Investigation of biomass production, N-balance and C-storage in the soil.
Statischer Versuch Bodennutzung, Nachwirkungen (BDa_D3_N) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2013 Effect of tillage depth, liming and P-fertilisation, FYM application and crop rotation
Modellbetrieb Organischer Landbau, Felder 901 - 904 Leibniz Zentrum f. Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. 1995 Monitoring of organic farming
Modellbetrieb Organischer Landbau, Felder 931 - 934 Leibniz Zentrum f. Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. 1995 Monitoring of organic Farming
Dauerduengungsversuch (V140) Leibniz Zentrum f. Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. 1963 Effect of N-fertilization and manure on yield, N-balances and soil properties
Kastenparzellenversuch Sandboden / Lehmboden / Tonboden Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau (IGZ) e.V. 1972 Vegetables; Soil changes through fertilization of soils from three different origins in the same climate and the same management
Statischer Dauerfeldversuch organisch-mineralische N-Duengung Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau (IGZ) e.V. 1989 Fertilization induced soil changes among vegetable cultivation
Statischer Bodenfruchtbarkeitsversuch (Thy_D6) Humboldt University of Berlin 1938 Effect of different forms and amounts of organic fertilizer in combination with mineral N-fertilization on soil fertility and yield of a sandy soil
Duengungs- und Beregnungsversuch (Thy_D1) Humboldt University of Berlin 1969 Effect of irrigation and mineral N-fertilization on biomass production and turnover of a sandy soil
Naehrstoffmangelversuch Winterroggen Monokultur (Thy_D42) Humboldt University of Berlin 1998 Effect of nutrient deficiency and organic-mineral fertilization on yield, nutrient balances, site-/management induced C-storage and soil properties with winter rye monocropping
Statischer Naehrstoffmangelversuch (Thy_D41) Humboldt University of Berlin 1936 Effect of nutrient deficiency and organic-mineral fertilization on yield, nutrient balances, site-/management induced C-storage and soil properties
Stroh- und N-Duengung in Fruchtfolgen mit unterschiedlichem Getreideanteil (Thy_D5) Humboldt University of Berlin 1972 Effect of straw fertilization on the organic matter content, biomass production and N utilization with hierarchised N-fertilization in crop rotations with different amounts of cereals. 
Long-term field demonstration of cropping systems (Thy_ABS) Humboldt University of Berlin 2005 cropping systems
Bracheversuch V505a Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ 1988 Long-term effect of different fallows on soil properties and succession development
Modellversuch Stalldungsteigerung Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ 1983 Extremely high manure application
Erweiterter Statischer Duengungsversuch V120a Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ 1978 Interdisciplinary environmental research, yield, modeling
Statischer Duengungsversuch V120 Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ 1902 Interdisciplinary environmental research, organic matter, yield, C- and N-balances
Giessen Erschoepfungsversuch (EV) Justus Liebig University Giessen 1954 Long-term effect of nutrient deficiency compared with optimal and suboptimal mineral and organic fertilization
Giessen Dauerversuch Biologische Stickstofffixierung (BSG) Justus Liebig University Giessen 1982 Effect of different cropping systems (bare fallow, mulch, with and without legumes) on soil properties and cultivated plants
Crop Rotation Rauischholzhausen Justus Liebig University Giessen 1982 Fertilization and crop rotation
IOSDV Rauischholzhausen (International Organic Nitrogen Long-Term Fertilisation Experiment) Justus Liebig University Giessen 1984 Fertilization, crop rotation, organic fertilization
Reduced Soil Tillage Rauischholzhausen Justus Liebig University Giessen 1999 Conventional tillage (plowing > 30 cm), reduced tillage (cultivator to 20 - 25 cm), reduced tillage (cultivator to 10 - 15 cm), no tillage (conservation tillage, direct sowing)
Klein-Altendorf Selektions-Dauerversuch SDV University of Bonn 1996 Selection experiment in spring barley, winter rapeseed and winter wheat, crop rotations
Speyer Internationaler Organischer Stickstoffduengungs-Versuch (IOSDV) Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Speyer 1983 Effect of site and organic fertilization with increasing N-supply on yield and quality of crops in a crop rotation. Since 2005 additional the effect of reduced tillage is examined.
Speyer Kali-Magnesium-Kalk-Versuch Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Speyer 1978 Effect of K, Mg, and lime on yield and quality of different cultivated plants in a crop rotation
Speyer Humusversuch Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Speyer 1958 Effect of different organic fertilizers on plant growth, yield and quality of crops in different crop rotations with and without irrigation
Speyer Bracheversuch Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Speyer 1989 Effect of different vegetation on N-mineralisation of fallow
Speyer Klaerschlammversuch Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Speyer 1981 Heavy metal accumulation in soil and plant in dependence on frequency and amount of the application of biosolids as well as nutrient supply



Classification System

Surface Soil Texture

Experiment Name

Evaluating the effect of P-fertilizer in organic and mineral fertilizers as well as their combination effect FAO loamy sand (Haplic Luvisol) Phosphorduengungsstrategien
Effect of skipped liming, P-fertilization, shallow ploughing, organic fertilization and crop rotation on soil properties and biomass production, investigation of P-delivery potential, buffering capacity against soil acidification and C-storage in soil Statischer Dauerversuch Bodennutzung (BDa_D3)
Effect of weather conditions on plant growth, development and yield Agrarmeteorologisches Intensivmessfeld (BDa_E-Feld)
Effect of longtime differentiated organic and mineral N-fertilization on soil fertility and crop yield in supra-regional comparison with Europaen fieldcrop sites. Investigation of biomass production, N-balance and C-storage in the soil. Internationaler Organischer-Stickstoff-Dauerduengungsversuch (BDa_IOSDV)
Effect of tillage depth, liming and P-fertilisation, FYM application and crop rotation Statischer Versuch Bodennutzung, Nachwirkungen (BDa_D3_N)
Monitoring of organic farming Modellbetrieb Organischer Landbau, Felder 901 - 904
Monitoring of organic Farming Modellbetrieb Organischer Landbau, Felder 931 - 934
Effect of N-fertilization and manure on yield, N-balances and soil properties Dauerduengungsversuch (V140)
Vegetables; Soil changes through fertilization of soils from three different origins in the same climate and the same management Kastenparzellenversuch Sandboden / Lehmboden / Tonboden
Fertilization induced soil changes among vegetable cultivation Statischer Dauerfeldversuch organisch-mineralische N-Duengung
Effect of different forms and amounts of organic fertilizer in combination with mineral N-fertilization on soil fertility and yield of a sandy soil Light to medium silty sand Statischer Bodenfruchtbarkeitsversuch (Thy_D6)
Effect of irrigation and mineral N-fertilization on biomass production and turnover of a sandy soil Light to medium silty sand Duengungs- und Beregnungsversuch (Thy_D1)
Effect of nutrient deficiency and organic-mineral fertilization on yield, nutrient balances, site-/management induced C-storage and soil properties with winter rye monocropping Light to medium silty sand Naehrstoffmangelversuch Winterroggen Monokultur (Thy_D42)
Effect of nutrient deficiency and organic-mineral fertilization on yield, nutrient balances, site-/management induced C-storage and soil properties Light to medium silty sand Statischer Naehrstoffmangelversuch (Thy_D41)
Effect of straw fertilization on the organic matter content, biomass production and N utilization with hierarchised N-fertilization in crop rotations with different amounts of cereals.  Light to medium silty sand Stroh- und N-Duengung in Fruchtfolgen mit unterschiedlichem Getreideanteil (Thy_D5)
cropping systems Light to medium silty sand Long-term field demonstration of cropping systems (Thy_ABS)
Long-term effect of different fallows on soil properties and succession development loam Bracheversuch V505a
Extremely high manure application loam Modellversuch Stalldungsteigerung
Interdisciplinary environmental research, yield, modeling loam Erweiterter Statischer Duengungsversuch V120a
Interdisciplinary environmental research, organic matter, yield, C- and N-balances loam Statischer Duengungsversuch V120
Long-term effect of nutrient deficiency compared with optimal and suboptimal mineral and organic fertilization Fluvic Gleyic Cambisol (IUSS Working Group WRB 2015 Giessen Erschoepfungsversuch (EV)
Effect of different cropping systems (bare fallow, mulch, with and without legumes) on soil properties and cultivated plants Fluvic Gleyic Cambisol (IUSS Working Group WRB 2015 Clay about 30% Giessen Dauerversuch Biologische Stickstofffixierung (BSG)
Fertilization and crop rotation Haplic Luvisol (IUSS Workting Group WRB 2014) Crop Rotation Rauischholzhausen
Fertilization, crop rotation, organic fertilization Haplic Luvisol (IUSS Workting Group WRB 2014) IOSDV Rauischholzhausen (International Organic Nitrogen Long-Term Fertilisation Experiment)
Conventional tillage (plowing > 30 cm), reduced tillage (cultivator to 20 - 25 cm), reduced tillage (cultivator to 10 - 15 cm), no tillage (conservation tillage, direct sowing) Haplic Luvisol (IUSS Workting Group WRB 2014) Reduced Soil Tillage Rauischholzhausen
Selection experiment in spring barley, winter rapeseed and winter wheat, crop rotations Loamy silt Klein-Altendorf Selektions-Dauerversuch SDV
Effect of site and organic fertilization with increasing N-supply on yield and quality of crops in a crop rotation. Since 2005 additional the effect of reduced tillage is examined. Speyer Internationaler Organischer Stickstoffduengungs-Versuch (IOSDV)
Effect of K, Mg, and lime on yield and quality of different cultivated plants in a crop rotation Speyer Kali-Magnesium-Kalk-Versuch
Effect of different organic fertilizers on plant growth, yield and quality of crops in different crop rotations with and without irrigation Speyer Humusversuch
Effect of different vegetation on N-mineralisation of fallow Speyer Bracheversuch
Heavy metal accumulation in soil and plant in dependence on frequency and amount of the application of biosolids as well as nutrient supply Speyer Klaerschlammversuch